Thursday, December 3, 2009

12 Days of Giving- Day 2

I don't have much time, so this one will be quick and to the point :) I found a family through the Salvation Army's Adopt a Family program that lives in our area and has a 12 month old little boy. They are in need of a lot of stuff, but especially a highchair. It is one of their specific holiday wishes. Good news is that I was about to list our Chicco Highchair on craigslist and just haven't gotten around to it yet. Now I am happy it has a good new home!

A shot of the highchair and it's original owner :)

Life with Bubba, Chicky and Nika


Bethany said...

Wow, that is awesome Steph! Where did you find the listings for the families in need?

Stefanie said...

Isa got an email from a coworker that has been involved with the program for a long time and she hooked us up with the info for the local family. There is no info on their website (Sal Army) which is strange. I only have name and phone for the lady that runs it here in Falls Church. Pretty cool though.